Questions about Love and relationship advice, tarot readings, life questions,Oracle cards & Custom decks?.

I make sure I connect with earth energy and spirit along with angels and guides to ensure I get an accurate reading for each client. I have read for numerous clients and have built a solid client base using my gifts.I have all the clairs, but I am  clairvoyant (visions), predominantly clairsentient (feelings), and claircognizant (knowing).
Reading Style:
Compassionate Genuine Heart-Based Intuitive/Empathic Readings
By reading the energies involved in your situation and communicating with your guides, I hope to connect you with what matters most so you can take the actions that move you closer to your goals. Empowering you along your journey and helping you connect with your higher self and grow your understanding is my passion.
Turn Around Time?
Please allow a 3 to 5 Day Turn Around Time for a Readings Thanks!

Any Questions Not already answered on my website please use the form on this page below Thanks!